Join us for National Roofing Week June 2-8!

Be the envy of your community by taking care of your home and roof!  As we celebrate National Roofing Week, we'd like to ensure you have all your roofing needs met this summer.  

Each year, National Roofing Week increases awareness about the significance of roofs to every home and business.  St. Mary's Roofing provides you with extensive information about the design, materials and installation techniques applicable to almost all types of roof systems.  

National Roofing Contractors Association

As a member of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), we keep you up to date on roofing industry standards and building code requirements and provide you with installation and other guidance.

Celebrate National Roofing Week June 2 - 8, 2024 and get your free roofing estimate for your home at


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